My Design Journey: Maxine Hamilton
May 26, 2022
Meet Maxine! In the early oughts she worked on our team at Longina Phillips Designs, producing prints for the collection and graphics for various projects. Now she's a children's book illustrator and we thought you might like to see her beautiful work.
Read Maxine's story in her own words, below.
Book illustration was something I always wanted to do but...
I knew it was not the most profitable of career choices. So I put my dream on the back burner for many years so I could afford to travel overseas and buy a house.
The passing of two close friends prompted me to finally take the leap.
After losing my friends I felt like life was too short to not do what I love so I went about making my children's book illustrating dreams a reality.
My favorite part of illustrating is when...
I am painting up the final illustrations for a book.
My process involves...
When illustrating children’s books I mainly use watercolor, colored pencil, and aquarelle crayons. For my print design work, I use watercolor, pen and ink, graphite pencil, and also digital media.
A regular day looks like this:
After walking my giant puppy my days start by checking emails and socials, then I usually work on roughs for a book and liaise with my editors via meetings and emails.
My best drawing tip is...
Don’t worry about what other people are doing or what they think of your work - just do what YOU love and the results will show.
In 5 years' time I hope to...
be a successful, and hopefully award-winning, children’s book illustrator. I would also like to venture into writing children’s books but am not too sure this new dream will be realized.
Find Maxine on Instagram at @mhdesignillustration
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